About Dr. Ann Lee

podcast of Dr. Ann Lee

Fees for Services

Benefits of Naturopathic Holistic Medicine & Acupuncture:

  • Increased energy and vitality throughout the day
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved digestion
  • Hormone, thyroid, and adrenal balance
  • Reduced PMS, hot flashes, or menopausal symptoms
  • Stress relief
  • Pain relief from joint problems and muscle aches
  • Relief from migraines, headaches, and sinus congestion
  • Less colds, flus, infections
  • Better sleep
  • Create life balance for greater well being — mind, body and spirit
  • Experience health that allows inner peace, motivation, life purpose

This Is For You If You:

  • Want to explore complementary and natural alternatives and a whole person approach to manage your health using naturopathic holistic medicine
  • Have seen many specialists and all testing is normal but you still have symptoms, and can’t get any answers
  • Want long-term sustainable solutions that get to the root of the problem, and not quick fixes, even natural ones, that just mask the symptoms
  • Are frustrated with the healthcare you are getting now and am looking for a holistic approach
  • Realize that diet and lifestyle plays a major role in health and want some guidance on how to start
  • Know what you need to change with your nutrition, but food cravings, emotional connections to food, and stress eating are obstacles
  • Are overwhelmed by all the information on the internet or TV and need someone to recommend steps that will each your health goals
  • Are looking to be proactive to stay healthy and have the best quality of life
  • Are looking for a way to schedule in self-care

This Is NOT For You If You:

  • Are looking for a quick fix for a chronic concern that has been going on for awhile
  • Solely want to focus on weight loss.  Focusing on weight loss attracts more ‘struggle’ with weight loss.  If you are willing to shift your focus to optimizing health, then this can be a good fit.  It is recommended to put away your scale while you are coming to the clinic and become aware of how you are feeling.  Those who lose weight too quickly only end up gaining more later as they go through a perpetual yo-yo.  The more gradual the weight loss, the more sustainable it remains in the long run.